Erykah Badu - Twinkle lyrics

[Erykah Badu - Twinkle lyrics]

Ayy, yo what the fuck are you doin'?
Ayy, we gotta get out, come here
Where they hit me at? They didn't hit you
What is this? They fucking hit me
They hit me in my face what?
Is there still someone up there?

They don't know their language
They don't know they're God
They take what they're given
Even when it feels odd
They say their grandfathers and grandmothers
Work hard for nothing
And we still in this ghetto
So they end up in prisons
They end up in blood

They keep us uneducated sick and depressed
(They end up in blood)
Doctor I'm addicted now i'm under arrest
(They end up in blood)

We making mo' money than a motherfucker
(They end up in blood)
With no choices there's no hope for us
(They end up in blood)

Started with a rhyme from old ancient times
Descendants of warlocks
Witches with ill glitches
Children of the matrix be
Hitting them car switches
Seen some virgin virgos hanging
Out with venus bitches
Started with a rhyme from old ancient times
Descendants of warlocks
Witches with ill glitches
Children of the matrix be
Hitting them car switches
Seen some virgin virgos hanging
Out with venus bitches
Started with a rhyme from old ancient times
Descendants of warlocks
Witches with ill glitches
Children of the matrix be
Hitting them car switches
Seen some virgin virgos hanging
Out with venus bitches
Started with a rhyme from old ancient times
Descendants of warlocks
Witches with ill glitches
Children of the matrix be
Hitting them car switches
Seen some virgin virgos hanging
Out with venus bitches

'Cause they don't know their language
They don't know they're God
They take what they're given
Even when it feels odd
(They say their grandfathers
And grandmothers) work hard for nothing
'Cause we still in this ghetto
So they end up in prisons
They end up in blood

They keep us uneducated sick and depressed
(They end up in blood)
Doctor I'm addicted now i'm under arrest
(They end up in blood)
We making mo' money than a motherfucker
(They end up in blood)
With no choices there's no hope for us
(They end up in blood)
We making mo' money than a motherfucker
(They end up in blood)
If we have no choices then we gonna fuck up
(They end up in blood)
We making mo' money than a motherfucker
(They end up in blood)
Doctor I'm addicted now i'm under arrest
(They end up in blood)
We making mo' money than a motherfucker
(They end up in blood)
If we have no choices then we gonna fuck up
(They end up in blood)
They keep us uneducated sick and depressed
(They end up in blood)
Doctor I'm addicted now i'm under arrest
(They end up in blood)
We making mo' money than a motherfucker
(They end up in blood)
If we have no choices then we gonna fuck up
(They end up in blood)

Aun Au Khu Mes Tahamu Khemu
Mesu Ntrrr Mut Tef Maatu apuat
Khu apuat
Smet Apu mtu Ntrrr
Anuk Kherrru aun Au Khu Mes Tahamu Khemu
Mesu Ntrrr Mut Tef Maatu apuat
Khu apuat
Smet Apu mtu Ntrrr
Anuk Kherrru aun Au Khu Mes Tahamu Khemu
Mesu Ntrrr Mut Tef Maatu apuat
Khu apuat
Smet Apu mtu Ntrrr
Anuk Kherrru

Nuk Khumiu Khu Khu neb Heru
Djeddjedu sekhet Maat
Anru em smai Tawiu

I don't have to tell you things aren't good
Everybody knows things aren't good we know
The air is unfit to breathe and our
Food is unfit to eat young
Punks are running the street no one knows
Just what to do and there's no
End to it the dollar buys a penny's
Worth, the banks are going under, coppers
Keeping a gun under the counter we sit
Watching our idiot boxes while some local
Anchorman tells us that today we've had
Eighteen murders and eighty violent crimes
As if
That were the way things are supposed to
Be we know times are bad worse
Than bad people are crazy it's like
Everything, everywhere is going utterly mad
So we never leave our homes we sit
In our comfy abodes while the world is
Getting smaller and we say, "C'mon
At least leave us alone in our family rooms
Let me have my microwave and flat
Screen and my 20-inch wheels
And I won't say anything just
Leave us alone" Well
I'm not gonna leave you alone i want you to
Get angry! I don't want you to riot
I don't want you to protest I don't want
You to write to your senator because I
Won't know what to tell you to tell
Him I don't know what to do
About the recession and the
Inflation and the crime
In the street all I know is
That you've got to get mad you've got
To say, "I'm a human being
Damn it! My life has value!"

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