Fabian Römer - Love is the Music songtext (lyrics)

[Fabian Römer - Love is the Music songtext lyrics]

Somebody's doing right
Someone is out of time
Let's do it over again

You gotta get it right
The groove is on tonight
The same old story again

We are two one of a kind
You feel the party start
Come on and give me your hand
Tonight is all we need
Just let the senses free
Let's do it over again, ye ye ye!

Love is the music of your heart
You're doing it so right
You got to be free, ye yeah
Love is the music of your life
You're doing it so right
You got to be free, ye ye yeah

Everybody will sing
Step into the groove, sing
My love will come to your soul
Now your heart is no longer cold

I do believe a light is shining down
Giving up the beat of your heart

Just set me free unchain my heart and see
Music, groove is all that I need, ye ye ye!

Love is the music of your heart
You're doing it so right
You got to be free, ye yeah
Love is the music of your life
You're doing it so right
You got to be free, ye ye yeah

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