Falco - Ecce Machina songtext (lyrics)

[Falco - Ecce Machina songtext lyrics]

I've been here through the night
And I can smell a new dawn coming
The elders of the solid state
It would be easy, could be fate
You! With your empty arrogance
You're something I must break
Your history's will to serve
Your the one to take because I've gathered

I've gathered the ash from
Last night's cigarettes
I washed it down with stale champagne
I washed it down with stale champagne
I've gathered the ash from
Last night's cigarettes
And washed them down with stale champagne
That's what I did
I washed it down with stale champagne

You you ecce Machina

I bet you didn't think I had it in me
I bet you thought you had me
All figured out, just because you made me
I know what it means to be a machine

I know what it means to be a machine
On my knees in the temple of code
On my knees in the temple of code
I know what it means to be a machine
On my knees in the temple of code

Oh yeah, hit it Tom!

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