Falco - Untouchable songtext (lyrics)

[Falco - Untouchable songtext lyrics]

(Untouchable) She's not another pretty
Face in a magazine
(Untouchable) The girl is real -
She's every schoolboy's dream
(Untouchable) She fills my fantasies
My eyes and my ears
(Untouchable) but everytime I try to
Touch her - she disappears

Oh oh oh oh oh She's untouchable
Oh oh oh oh oh untouchable delight
Oh oh oh oh oh She's untouchable
Oh oh oh oh oh The girl is outta sight

(Untouchable) In my mind I'm always with
Her - moans and sighs
(Untouchable) I touch her full red
Lips - her silken thighs
(Untouchable) We meet in the
City, she begs, "please, take me home"
(Untouchable) But when I wake up in
A cold sweat: I'm all alone

Oh oh oh oh oh She's untouchable
Oh oh oh oh oh untouchable delight
Oh oh oh oh oh She's untouchable
Oh oh oh oh oh The girl is outta sight

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah (Untouchable)

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