Falco - Nothin' Sweeter Than Arabia songtext (lyrics)

[Falco - Nothin' Sweeter Than Arabia songtext lyrics]

Yah! Yah!

They say there is religion
There is a kind of taste
Get me the celebration
And I will give you the waste
There will be no danger no trouble at all
We need to stand up together
Those curtains are not to fall

Arabian nights arabian nights
And there's no way out for me
This dream will capture me for years
Yellow night light in a city of white
I'm stranded in the desert
I'm stranded in a fight

There's no one here who's gonna save you
There's nothin' sweeter than Arabia

They say there is religion
There is a kind of taste
Get me the celebration
And I will give you the waste
There's no way out for me
This dream will capture me too far
In a city of white
I'm stranded in the desert i'm stranded
En-cha la arabian nights
There's nothin' sweeter than Arabia

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