Falco - The Kiss Of Kathleen Turner songtext (lyrics)

[Falco - The Kiss Of Kathleen Turner songtext lyrics]

Train sounds excuse me, sir?
Could you maybe put down the
Newspaper for a few seconds? You know
It's not a big problem I wanna tell you
Just two sentences or something?
Oh ja? – Von wo bist du her? – Wien
Innere Stadt
Na wahnsinn! Die Welt ist doch klein, ned?
Seit 1984 fahr ma schon in diesem Zug
Und haben uns no ned kennenglernt
Wenn ich mich erinnere an alte Zeiten, so
Ottakring, Neustift, Grinzing coughing

Since 1984 I take the 7: 30
Train going into Brasil City
At this hour of the day
I'm not too well humored
Cause life doesn't show any pity
"You're always nagging, bragging
Complaining 'bout yourself
And putting things down in the world
Take a good look at Kathleen Turner
Now there's one heck of a girl"

I've been to hell and back
But I'm alright Jack and everything
I got my mind made up
You know I can't be stopped
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now

I've been to hell and back
But I'm alright Jack
Now I know what love is about
Under the seven moons I made a solemn vow
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now

Smack! In the middle

Phone rings "Hello?"
"Oh it's me, I know it's late
But I just had to call you
I'll be over real soon" kathleen? Kathleen?
Is this a dream, or what?
Is this really happening to me
Or is this just fantasy?
In this world there's only one woman
Who can make my dreams come true
And that woman, Kathleen it's you

I've been to hell and back
But I'm alright Jack and everything
I got my mind made up
You know I can't be stopped
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now

I've been to hell and back
But I'm alright Jack
Now I know what love is about
Under the seven moons I made a solemn vow
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now
I need the kiss of Kathleen Turner right now

Smack! In the middle

Standing on the corner watching all
The girls go by (He wants a kiss)
Standing on the corner watching all
The girls go by (He wants a kiss)
I don't want a kiss, I want lots of kisses
(He wants a kiss, Hallelujah, he's in love
Hallelujah, glory, glory) am I too shy?
Just come on and give me the
First kiss of my life, kathleen!

Issos die Katalaunischen Felder
Cannae mount Greek
Austerlitz waterloo
Verdun stalingrad
Hiroshima nagasaki
Harrisburg brockdorf
Zwentendorf cattenom
Wackersdorf tschernobyl

Kathleen, you still hear me babe?
Kathleen, do you know what I'm talking about?
I'm just talking about
Not the first kiss of my life
I'm talking about our planet kathleen!

Military marching sounds

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