Falco - The Star Of Moon And Sun songtext (lyrics)

[Falco - The Star Of Moon And Sun songtext lyrics]

We fell in love on a hot summer night
I looked at her, she at me
Love at first sight
I made a lover's vow, she'd be mine
I said I'd love her 'till the end of time
And she said:
"Does it feel good? Does it feel fine?"
I said yeah, yeah, yeah

Du bist der Star unserer Tage
Du und ich, no way back, keine Frage
Cause you're the lucky one
The star of moon and sun

Love is a strange phenomenon
It makes you happy, sad, it's never fun
Boy meets Girl, and heart meets heart
Like tigers, they tear each other apart
Aber wenn du mich fragst:
"Do I make you feel good? Do
I make you feel fine?" i say yeah, yeah yeah

Du bist der Star unserer Tage
Du und ich, no way back, keine Frage
Cause you're the lucky one
The star of moon and sun

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