Feist - Woe Be paroles de (lyrics)

[Feist - Woe Be paroles de lyrics]

Woe be to the girl who loves a songwriter
The days are pages in the book
He's the verse and you're the hook
Woe be to the girl who loves a songwriter

Woe be to the man who loves a songwriter
She's always searching for the song
In everything that you've done wrong
Woe be to the man who loves a songwriter

La la loo lee, is what it might be
La da da do, a key and a voice
La la loo lee, we write history, babe
Oh oh, la la la lo, is how the song goes
Whoa oh, la la loo lee

Hard is the time before the melody
Before the song is tight-bowed
And what you never seem to know
Oh, hard is the time before the melody

Woe be to the girl who loves a songwriter
When his eye's a microphone
She ends up feeling so alone
Woe be to the girl who loves a songwriter

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #