Fireboy DML - Someone songtext (lyrics)

Fireboy DML [Adedamola Adefolahan] Ogun State, Nigeria

[Fireboy DML - Someone songtext lyrics]

Ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye

Take my time don't take my life
Do this right it’ll change your life
Smoke and ganja that's you and I
Be my karma be my light
Out of sight out of mind
Stay tonight no oversight
My Delilah light some fire
I'm in denial

But, if you leave what happens to me
Where do I find someone, someone
Someone to love me girl, if you leave
What happens to me
Whеre do I find someone, somеone
Someone to love me

Uh uh uh uh uh uh
Uh uh uh someone
Someone to love me right

Many time day or night
Leave tonight i’ll say for life
I remember when I made you cry
You get better

But, if you leave what happens to me
Where do I find someone, someone
Someone to love me girl, if you leave
What happens to me
Where do I find someone, someone
Someone to love me

Uh uh uh uh uh uh
Uh uh uh someone
Someone to love me right

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Über das Lied Fireboy DML - Someone

Fireboy DML's latest release, "Someone," has garnered a lot of attention from fans and critics alike. The song has received mixed reviews, but overall, it seems to be a hit among Fireboy's fanbase. The song's message is about the importance of finding that special someone and the struggle that comes with it. The lyrics are relatable, and Fireboy's vocal delivery is impeccable, drawing listeners in with his smooth, soulful voice.

The music video for "Someone" has also been praised for its stunning visuals and storytelling. The video follows Fireboy as he navigates a complicated relationship, with flashbacks showing the happier times and the struggles that come with it. The use of Italian dialogue in the video adds a unique touch and provides a sense of authenticity to the story.

Some fans have compared Fireboy's sound to that of Drake and The Weeknd, with a mix of Afrobeat and old school South African house music. Others have noted the similarities between "Someone" and Fireboy's previous hit, "Need You." Still, many have praised Fireboy's versatility and unique sound.

Critics have noted that the beat of the song is similar to that of 2018 South African house music, with some saying that the producer could have been more creative. However, most have agreed that Fireboy's vocals and the storytelling in the music video make up for any shortcomings in the beat.

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