Freundeskreis - 20$ (Skit) songtext (lyrics)

[Freundeskreis - 20$ Skit songtext lyrics]

- That sound alright i think we can use it
- When it's goin' to be released huh?
- Hold on a minute read this first!

- What's the meanin' o' this huh?
- That mean you got 20 Dollars for the record
- 20 Dollars? That don't sound right
- How much you think it's worth then?
- I don't really no know, you know, Sir
- C'mon! You must have an idea
What do u think it's worth?
- Well I think that'll be
Several 200 Dollars, you know, sir

- I don't think I'm signin'
This for 20 Dollars
You know what I'm sayin'

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