Gazebo Penguins - Mary Mongò Used to Call Me Igino testo (lyrics)

[Gazebo Penguins - Mary Mongò Used to Call Me Igino testo lyrics]

So I'm still running out of time
Yeah, I'm still running out of time
I'm sorry I can't tell you why
I'm sorry I can't tell you why
Got so much troubles on my mind
Got so much troubles on my mind

My montgomery laid down on the bed
Seems me I'm still dreaming
My montgomery on the bed makes me
Seem I never woke up
My montgomery, lazy lax
Lately lapsed into a bad lamb habitude
My montgomery, lazy lax
Lately lapsed into a bad lamb habitude
So I'm still running out of time
Yeah, I'm still running out of time
I'm sorry I can't tell you why
I'm sorry I can't tell you why
Got so much troubles on my mind
Got so much troubles on my mind

My montgomery laid down on the bed
Seems me I'm still dreaming
My montgomery on the bed makes me
Seem I never woke up
My montgomery, lazy lax
Lately lapsed into a bad lamb habitude
My montgomery, lazy lax
Lately lapsed into a bad lamb habitude

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