Glass Hammer - The Knight of the North lyrics

[Glass Hammer - The Knight of the North lyrics]

This is where we draw the line
And here is where we make our stand
You'll gather all our forces here for
Here we stand on hallowed ground
And here the foe will surely fall
We'll send his army scattering for
This is where we draw the line
And here is where we make our stand
Now sound the trumpets, form the battle line
Hold the line this is where we draw the line
And here is where we make our stand

This is where we draw the line
And here is where we make our stand

So they gathered all their men
There in that place of dread
That had once known peace with banners high
And blowing in the wind

Here the foe must climb to meet them

Up the rocky slopes
And climb he did as their arrows flew
Yet still they came
Fell army of the Knight of the North
Who drove them forth, for

That is where they drew the line
And that is where they made their stand
And all found their courage
Whenever the King drew near
Now with the sound of thunder
Waves crashing on the shore metal on metal
The hosts are joined at last
Now the Knight of the East
With axe swinging to and fro
Would force his way into the fray
Ever seeking out his foe

One on one he would fight
And champion his King
Yet he knew his doom was near
When his eyes met
Those glaring orbs full of malice
Of the evil Knight 'neath his serpent banner

Now as 'round them battle raged
These two would fight a private war
And though he was doomed
He was singing a song of slaying

Then his axe was broken
Still he fought with mailed fists
As deep plunged the sword of the
Knight of the North into his heart
And he died

Mortals – stood and fought
An Army – of foulness wrought
Singing – as they slew
Warriors – brave and true
Set loose – upon the King
A wolvish – monstrous thing
Gaping – jaws wide thus it – struck and died

The Knight of the North Speaks
"Silly, dreaming King 'a raving
Always rambling of his plans
I will have his pretty princess
I will have her! I will enslave her!
I will curse her! Curse her forever!"

Who can stand against this armored giant?

As the sun is sinking low in the western sky
Weary forces of the King have won the field
The routed foe, scattering

Now the Knight of the North
Knows his battle is lost
Time to make good his escape
He flees to his tower his fortress where the
Wrathful King gives chase
Anger written on his face
Up the winding stairs they go
Ever higher, now he knows
That his treachery has
Brought him beyond the hope of mercy, Mercy
If only he could swallow Pride
And atone for this

All this talk of ancient battle
All this talk of kings and villains
All this rambling on 'bout evil
Monstrous armies swords and heroes
He was singing a song of slaying

What's he saying where's this leading
Kind of makes my brain hurt
Why can't he speak plain what's the use of
Spinning these stories
Can't he find a better use
For the words he writes?

What lurks between the lines
And will I find it

What's the secret what's the riddle
What am I supposed to
Glean from all these words hold your breath
We're going deeper
Deeper than you've ever been
Aren't you curious?

What lurks between the lines
And will I find it

Then the Knight of the North
Knew fear for the first time
His doom upon him as the King was revealed
In his wrath and full power a consuming fire
Yet still he vows revenge
As he is cast from on high from paradise
To Hell

Lucida lamina ut ipsud solare
Lumen potensque suum scutum
(Bright his blade like the light of the
Very sun and mighty his shield)
Fert noster rex iustitiam in dextra
Manu et iram in oculis
(Our king carries justice in his right
Hand and wrath in his eyes)
Impellentem se semper
(Driving him ever onward)
Celeris ac flamma saliens et
Ferox ac rugiens ignis
(Swift as a flame and fierce as roaring fire)
Istum crudelem qui mortem nostrae patriae
Adducere voluit rex repellit
(The king drives back that cruel one who
Wanted to bring death to our land)
Proditur, olim intimus regis
Olim potentissimus, iam metu tremit
(The traitor, once the king's close
Friend, once the most mighty
Now trembles in fear)
Nam dominus iusta iracundia provehitur
(For his master advances in just wrath)
Non diutius clangor vocis timorem
In nos incutit
(No longer does the sound of his
Voice strike us with fear)
Hi cantus resonant frustra
Contra telum stabile (His songs ring in vain
Against the unwavering weapon)
Tractum fortiore quam se ipse
(Wielded by one more courageous
Than he himself)
Nunc dehiscit terra vorat eum deiectum rege
(Now the earth gapes it swallows him who
Was cast down by the king)
Deiectus nunc voratur!
(Cast down, now he is swallowed up)
Cantate omnes! Victoriam reportatur!
(Sing, everyone! Victory is won)
Noster fortis dominus malum vicit
Et nihil prorsum timemus
(Our courageous lord has conquered
The evil one and we fear nothing at all)
Salva patria, liberi populi
(The land is safe, the people free)
Iustitia nostrum magnum decus
Virtus nostra corona
(Justice our great pride, virtue our crown)
Et magnitudo noster sors!
(And greatness our destiny)

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