Halford - Betrayal lyrics

[Halford - Betrayal lyrics]

Will you go to heaven will you land in hell
Are the things you're praying for
The things that serve you well?

Did you get satisfaction
Have you paid the price
Can you look me in the eye
Say you found paradise?

Betrayal, you are what you choose
Betrayal, got everything to lose
Betrayal, one day you will know
Betrayal, you reap what you sow
Sell your soul for mercy
Heed the reapers call
Waiting for that heart attack
Your back's against the wall

Stealing from tomorrow is no way to live
But when you've got no future
Then there's nothing left to give

Betrayal, you are what you choose
Betrayal, got everything to lose
Betrayal, one day you will know
Betrayal, you reap what you sow

So when you get to heaven
When you land in hell
Are the things you're praying for
The things that serve you well?

Betrayal, you are what you choose
Betrayal, got everything to loose
Betrayal, one day you'll know
Betrayal, you reap what you sow

Betrayal betrayal
Betrayal betrayal

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