Honey Dijon, Pabllo Vittar, Urias - Everybody letra (lyrics)

[Honey Dijon, Pabllo Vittar, Urias - Everybody letra lyrics]

Looking good, feeling fine
Gotta pay for my time kitty cat, got my life
I'm alive in the light
Dripping gold, dip in ice
I can't help, but I shine
Don't need tags, what's the price?
If it's fly, then I buy
Everybody wants to wear
Everybody wants the life
Everybody wants to wear
Everybody wants to wear
Everybody wants the life
Everybody wants to wear
Versace runnin' to the floor
Versace, I don't need those ghosts
My body's designer
I'm rich 'cause it's my mind
Versace, come and take it off me
Everybody, everybody everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody everybody, everybody

You never seen nobody like this, nah
I call him papi and he call me chica
These days gonna take me to Ibiza
I'm all about the kissin' like Selena
Me and my body, Versace, I'm on my own
Don't need nobody take me home
Don't give a fuck about you, cabrón
Party for me, I don't sleep, I'm on the floor
Like Britney, baby, I'm in the zone
You know what I want so
Give me, give me more, yeah
And I won't tell nobody, if you ask me
I will buy you wanna hear you say "no pares"
And I don't need help

Everybody, everybody everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody everybody, everybody

Like all these bitches wanna have this
You know all these bitches wanna have this
Everybody wants to wear it
Everybody wants the life
These bitches go runnin' around
You know the blocks and runnin' 'round their
Neighborhood with those
What? Fake purses and stuff
Like they want it everybody wants to wear it
Everybody wants the life
But fuck you, I want it too

You never seen nobody like this, nah
I call him papi and he call me chica
These days gonna take me to Ibiza
I'm all about the kissin' like Selena
Me and my body, Versace, I'm on my own
Don't need nobody take me home
Don't give a fuck about you, cabrón
Party for me, I don't sleep, I'm on the floor
Like Britney, baby, I'm in the zone
You know what I want so
Give me, give me more, yeah
And I won't tell nobody, if you ask me
I will buy you wanna hear you say "no pares"
And I don't need help everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody

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