IOSONOUNCANE - ​ashes testo (lyrics)

[IOSONOUNCANE - ​ashes testo lyrics]

And horizon holy chant
Reich fishes prison eggs

And horizon horizon
How is it? Reich fishes
And horizon holy chant
Áge fishes and how is it? How is it?

Oh reich fishes how is it? How is it?
And I'm horizon horizon
Holy fishes

Horizon horizon
How is it? Vivant fishes
I fishes how is it? How is it?

Épandu jadid ashes how is it? How is it?
And vidé le tombs
How is it? How is it? How is it?
In all more saison horizon

Horizon horizon
Noir reich fishes and I was born
Smelling pétrole and accouché cold
De mother nu loin mother nu

Horizon holy son
Reich fishes

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