ITCHY - Before You Go songtext (lyrics)

Itchy Poopzkid

[ITCHY - Before You Go songtext lyrics]

We could try to guess each other's wishes
Telling secrets while washing the dishes
When you give us just 25 minutes more
Fighting over which show to decide on
Making love to one side of a vinyl
If we had some more time, we could do it all

And the clock keeps ticking on
It's gotten pretty damn late, I know
But can you stay just a little longer before you go?
Before you go

Painting pictures of when we are older
Singing the same line over and over
Sharing stories that only we know about
Getting groceries turns into a night out
Going fast on my bike with the lights out
Twenty thousand ideas we could throw around

And the clock keeps ticking on
It's gotten pretty damn late, I know
But can you stay just a little longer before you go?
Before you go

And the clock keeps ticking on
It's gotten pretty damn late, I know
But can you stay just a little longer before you go?
Before you go
Before you go

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