ITCHY - Black songtext (lyrics)

Itchy Poopzkid

[ITCHY - Black songtext lyrics]

Take a look around and let's see what we got:
We got 7.5 billion so far and we could live in peace,harmony and respect
But somehow we're inclined to just paint it all black
We feel the urge to cause damage and pain and define a man's life by the power he gains
No matter what it takes, we are off to the top, while the environmental abuse won't stop

So we fail
And everything could be fine but we're gonna paint it black

We don't need a reason to be out of mind
We focus on hatred until we go blind
We got stuck in dead ends, now we can't go back
So we paint it black
We paint it all black 'til everything is black

Take a look around and let's see what we miss:
We miss empathy hope and a little bliss
So we buy what we can and consume all they recommend to feel better, but collapse every day
Tell me why there always has to be a fight and a struggle, a new enemy?
Now matter what it takes, we love to destroy
Compassion and guilt instead of joy

So we fail
And everything could be fine but we're gonna paint it black

We don't need a reason to be out of mind
We focus on hatred until we go blind
We got stuck in dead ends, now we can't go back
So we paint it black
We paint it all black 'til everything is black

We don't need a reason to be out of mind
We focus on hatred until we go blind
We got stuck in dead ends, now we can't go back
So we paint it black
We paint it all black

We don't need a reason to be out of mind
We focus on hatred until we go blind
We got stuck in dead ends, now we can't go back
So we paint it black
We paint it all black 'til everything is black

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