ITCHY - Day In Day Out songtext (lyrics)

Itchy Poopzkid

[ITCHY - Day In Day Out songtext lyrics]

I wish you found a better way to lie right to my face
I wish I could forget about our last deadly embrace
Seems like all we ever had is subject to review
I try hard to erase my mind because everything inside is you

Day in, day out I try to clean up the mess
Breathe in, breathe out and fill the hole in my chest
Day in, day out I hope I die before I collapse

I wish I could appreciate the past and wish you well
But I wish you would disappear and find your place in hell
Seems like all my sympathy is used up and it's true:
I hardly recognize myself
If there's someone to blame, it's you

Day in, day out I try to clean up the mess
Breathe in, breathe out and fill the hole in my chest
Day in, day out I hope I die before I collapse

I wish that I could close this book, burn every single page
I wish I wouldn't leave a bookmark to read on someday
Seems like I'm the only one who cares about us at all
If there's a future we have built, bring on the wrecking ball!

Day in, day out I try to clean up the mess
Breathe in, breathe out and fill the hole in my chest
Day in, day out

Day in, day out I try to clean up the mess
Breathe in, breathe out and fill the hole in my chest
Day in, day out I hope I die before I collapse

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