ITCHY - Keep It Real songtext (lyrics)

Itchy Poopzkid

[ITCHY - Keep It Real songtext lyrics]

I'm longing for the big things
That money just can't buy
I recommend warmly
To live before you die
I won't take for granted
What I got my dear
And to be caught in a cage
Is my greatest fear

I am more than I know
There is no need to hide
Rising up from below
I'll be choosing my side
With my back to the wall
I discover the truth
Now I'm taking the fall
To create someone new

I won't ever stop fighting
For what's worth fighting for
There'll always be injustice
That we cannot ignore
I won't become desperate
No need to resign
We are too young to rest
And dream of better times

I am more than I know
There is no need to hide
Rising up from below
I'll be choosing my side
With my back to the wall
I discover the truth
Now I'm taking the fall
To create someone new

I tear down the old house
That I used to live in
Burn it down to the ground
Life's waiting to begin
I recover my breath
As I become aware
That we will choke to death
If we don't clear the air

I am more than I know
There is no need to hide
Rising up from below
I'll be choosing my side
With my back to the wall
I discover the truth
Now I'm taking the fall
To create someone new

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