ITCHY - Kill Tomorrow songtext (lyrics)

Itchy Poopzkid

[ITCHY - Kill Tomorrow songtext lyrics]

I guess we're all stuck in this feeling
Drink a glass of ignorance and refill
Let us all dance on the ceiling
Today a middle finger pays the bill

We're gonna stay 'til morning light
We're gonna rewrite history tonight

No tomorrow or excuses
Pain and sorrow - we refuse it
All the kids come out and play
"Kill tomorrow with today!"
Affectation - it feels so wrong
Explanations - we don't need none
Stay and piss the night away
"Kill tomorrow with today!"

And once again we're all allies
Together we are always on the run
From the monotony of our lives
Agologies - I guess we have none

We're gonna stay 'til morning light
We're gonna rewrite history tonight

No tomorrow or excuses
Pain and sorrow - we refuse it
All the kids come out and play
"Kill tomorrow with today!"
Affectation - it feels so wrong
Explanations - we don't need none
Stay and piss the night away
"Kill tomorrow with today!"
We're gonna stay
'Til morning light
We're gonna stay

No tomorrow or excuses
Pain and sorrow - we refuse it
All the kids come out and play
"Kill tomorrow with today!"
Affectation - it feels so wrong
Explanations - we don't need none
Stay and piss the night away
"Kill tomorrow with today!"

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