ITCHY - We're Coming Back songtext (lyrics)

Itchy Poopzkid

[ITCHY - We're Coming Back songtext lyrics]

Hiding, burning, twisting, turning, under water - we're coming back
Losing traces, aching faces, getting hotter - we're coming back
Fighting strangers, always danger, now or never - we're coming back
Distant thunder getting closer, boiling pressure - we're coming back

We walked the streets alone under the moon, saw disease, became immune
We kept moving on under attack
We marched ahead and got lost on the way but made it through another day
We saw everything, white, grey and black
We're coming back

Screaming burden, running further, blurry vision - we're coming back
Raging torture, falling over, wrong decision - we're coming back
Gasping, struggle, endless trouble, stress releases - we're coming back
Taking over, scream and smother, shattered pieces - we're coming back

We walked the streets alone under the moon, saw disease, became immune
We kept moving on under attack
We marched ahead and got lost on the way but made it through another day
We saw everything, white, grey and black
We're coming back
We're coming back
We're coming back
We're coming back

We walked the streets alone under the moon, saw disease, became immune
We kept moving on under attack
We marched ahead and got lost on the way but made it through another day
We saw everything, white, grey and black
We're coming back

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