Jay Electronica, Erykah Badu, Just Blaze - Intro lyrics
[Jay Electronica, Erykah Badu, Just Blaze - Intro lyrics]
Through Rashad Smith
A couple of nights and he kept hitting
Me about this kid that hew knew who
Could rhyme crazy, but he just had
He just needed
A break but he felt like he was destined
To be one of the great ones so
Finally, he sent me some stuff
Emailed me some
Music and I was instantly just like, wow
One day I was on IM and
He just IM'd me out of
Nowhere and we just started kickin' it
And at first I'm like
You know we would talk and I was
Just like, yo, what is with this
Dude? He was just so, tryin' to think of the
Right way to put it he would basically
Just ask you the craziest questions like
What would be the best way to attack this
Or attack that cause he's so much of
A planner and a tactician and I learned
That later on at the time I
Didn't realize why he was asking the kind of
Questions he was asking me he just
Wanted to know his whole plan of attack
And my thing was always just, yo
Just make music
I think once he got in that
Mindset and just started recording
It was like every other day he
Was sending me back something crazy
So we turned out to really develop a real
Type of relationship
Almost like a brotherhood really
So it was kinda like I consider him like
My, even though this is a cliche saying
Like a brother from another mother just on
The, not so much on the physical
But on the spiritual level
And on an artistic level definitely
We just kinda bonded
Like brothers real quick and
I think that's just
Because we have a love for the music and
We're both really good natured
People at heart
We just really wanna continue the culture
And expand it and stuff
Instead of doing the same thing
Over and over again
I think, the reason I had
Kinda gotten, not necessarily discouraged
But just bored
With hip hop in general is because
People don't like to take risks, they
Don't like to try anything different and in
Order to really make any kind
Of impact these days, not just sales-wise
But just on the artistry
You gotta be able to go to
The left and try different
Things sometimes you'll get killed for
It and sometimes you'll succeed
But he was one of the few
Artists that was just willing
To go all the way to the left with it
Like this Eternal Sunshine thing i
Can't think of any other
Rapper that would even think to
Do something like this
I met Jay Electronica in
Brooklyn one obscure day, a friend of
Mine named SupaNova came over to
The house and told me
This is the MC I've been telling
You about he let me hear
Him maybe a week prior to him coming into the
Apartment i remember him coming
Into the apartment i remember him taking off
The shoes as everyone
Does i remember him having on black socks
They were short socks
Like Jordan socks or something
Like that i remember
Him sitting on the futon and I was
Breast feeding and I was very busy because I
Was also home-schooling and I was looking
Around for a place to sit my baby down, my 3
4 month-old i handed her to Jay
And she rested comfortably there
And that's how we
Initially met and he and Seven, my son
Became fast friends they actually became
Friends before he and I
Became friends that was the
Meeting and I remember
After hearing his music I wanted
To start a record
Label just on the strength of hearing him
Jay Electronica the person i wouldn't even
Call him a person cause
He's a weird looking cat his
Ears are kinda pointy
He's got a square head he
Looks kinda like he's a
Alien from somewhere really but in
A rare beautiful way
Like some kind of mythical creature
Who would have a bow
And arrow on his back and wings under
That bow and arrow he also
Has spirit to his look he's very
Unorthodox in the way he treats
People he's peculiarly intelligent and
Makes you very curious and draws you in and
As he stated before his masculine energy
Really draws in the female
Or the feminine energy which makes
Me happy and mad
He's just very easy to fall
In love with because
He's such a protector he's such a positive
In every kind of way if you will he's
A plus in this world i think everyone
He knows becomes dependent on
Him because he helps
Us to see who we really are