Joao AnjosS - Freedom letra (lyrics)

[Joao AnjosS - Freedom letra lyrics]

(Wake Up F1lthy) uhh
I hope everybody having a good day
I hope everyone accomplished
Something significant even if you didn’t
Accomplish something significant
Don’t be discouraged just aim to accomplish
Something significant tomorrow
And the next day and so on

Im outside waiting
I got a feeling this boys talk a lot
Behind my back
Be careful cause a got a backpack
I ve been making this deals 2 milli
I get it frequent keep your mouth silent

I was angel but this boys turn me evil
Broke ass boys love to talk on twitter
Be careful when you walk
You boys fuck with me i give em motivation
All them tweets and all them posts
I don't got timе to play with you folks
I ve been speding thousand thats the jokе
You still broke

Iights camera action
When im with you it's a movie
Let's change the section
I got to many questions i got many versions

I didn't check on you
In a long time, seems like a crime
But the truth is, i don't got time
Im not on my prime if i wasn't rapping i was
Still trapping baby but now im happy

When you see chanel
I wish that was the way you look at me
But lets change the channel
I don t know how many pens
It will be necessary to get
Over you, makes no sense
Your men can't even look at me
He fell off twice
You don't need to check the price
I don't need your advice
I treat you to nice that
Was that was the problem
And you don't see no problem
I give you to much freedom

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