Johnny Cash - Delia’s Gone (Mono ) lyrics

[Johnny Cash - Delia’s Gone Mono lyrics]

Delia, oh, Delia delia all my life
If I hadn'ta shot poor Delia
I'da had her for my wife
Delia's gone, one more round, Delia's gone

First time I shot her shot her in the side
Hard to watch her suffer
But with the second shot, she died
Delia's gone, one more round, Delia's gone
Well, the guilty get a sentence
But I ain't gonna tell you mine
'Cause I got a brother in Memphis
Doin' life or ninety-nine
Delia's gone, one more round, Delia's gone

But jailer, oh, jailer
Jailer, I can't sleep
'Cause all around my bedside
I hear the patter of Delia's feet
Delia's gone, one more round, Delia's gone

Now you give me my hammer
I'll drag the ball and chain
And every rock I bust
I seem to ring out Delia's name
Delia's gone, one more round, Delia's gone
Delia's gone, one more round, Delia's gone

Oh, Delia delia's gone like a July snow
Delia's gone

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