Keiichi, REMEDY - ​suffice songtext (lyrics)

[Keiichi, REMEDY - ​suffice songtext lyrics]

And I don't want to feel so worthless
(Tell me how did it come to this?)
And I only tried to be perfect
(Help me to save this fragile nerve wreck)

I feel so stressed out
Thought I did my best now
And I'm screamin' my lungs out
I can't get rid of my doubts
Please let me go

And I don't want to feel so worthless
(Tell me how did it come to this?)
And I only tried to be perfect
(Help me to save this fragile nerve wreck)

Some tears left before the sight
Of the end of this obscure night
Do not try to put me in that spot again
'Cause I can not stand, searchin' for shards
Of my heart in this darkness
But the puzzle won't solve it'self
So I thought I'd help

And I don't want to feel so worthless
(Tell me how did it come to this?)
And I only tried to be perfect

Am I out my mind?
No this isn't my place to die
My power will suffice

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