Kidnfinity - Amber Prolog songtext (lyrics)

[Kidnfinity - Amber Prolog songtext lyrics]

What's great, this is D from Chicago and I
Need y'all to get in tune
With my bro kidnfinity, the new mixtape comin
Right to from Germany, that's right, germany
Kidnfinity remember those two things
If you don't remember anything else!
Put it on repeat, don't skip nothing
Keep it on repeat

Egal wie viel Zeit hier noch vergeht
(zu spät)
Ich glaub ich hab schon viel zu viel gesehen
(ich glaub es ist zu spät)
Egal wie viel Zeit hier noch vergeht
(zu spät) , Amber half mir raus
Doch für sie kam ich
Für sie kam ich zu spät

And so he ran and ran through cloudy
Hills and through his lonely mind always
Remembering that he was one of the
Kids without infinity always thinking about
What could've happened if she'd
Never shown up
Because Amber saved his life but
Although he ran as fast as he
Could he was never fast enough
This is the story of Amber and the boy that
May never fully grasp the
Importance of his existence
Because he is the kid with finity

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