Kordhell - Live Another Day songtext (lyrics)

Mick Kenney

[Kordhell - Live Another Day songtext lyrics]

Here I go again, in the wind with my TEC-9
Cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime here I go again
Here I go again cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime

Here I go again, in the wind with my TEC-9
Cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime here I go again
Here I go again cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime

Here I go again, in the wind with my TEC-9
Cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime here I go again
Here I go again cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime

Here I go again, in the wind with my TEC-9
Cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime here I go again
Here I go again cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime

Sneak through the crowd
Got real for me to get away
Needa get away, go- gotta drive a getaway
Now needa ne- got real for me to get away
Needa get away gotta wait 'till another day

Sneak through the crowd
Got real for me to get away
Needa get away, go- gotta drive a getaway
Now needa ne- got real for me to get away
Needa get away gotta wait 'till another day

Here I go again, in the wind with my TEC-9
Cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime here I go again
Here I go again cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime

Here I go again, in the wind with my TEC-9
Cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime here I go again
Here I go again cocked on my feet as I
Sneak closer to the crime

Sneak through the crowd
Got real for me to get away
Needa get away, go- gotta drive a getaway
Now needa ne- got real for me to get away
Needa get away gotta wait 'till another day

Sneak through the crowd
Got real for me to get away
Needa get away, go- gotta drive a getaway
Now needa ne- got real for me to get away
Needa get away gotta wait 'till another day

Needa get away gotta wait 'till another day

Needa get away gotta wait 'till another day

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