Lilblackheartshawty - Drug Talk paroles de (lyrics)

[Lilblackheartshawty - Drug Talk paroles de lyrics]

Blood drippin' out my nose
Cocaine lined up on my phone
Lungs burnin' from all the smoke
I'm a bad junkie 'cuz of all the dope
Hell yeah, I down another Xan
Fuck yeah, I can fit it in my plans
Whipit's, you know I can't stand
Hold it in, Ima show you how I dance

We livin' large i be downin' six bars
You broke my heart i'm a fuckin' work of art

Baby, you got hell to pay
Liver muddy, I like it that way
Maybe I'll try to die today
I ain't playin' none of your fuckin' games
Posse sick, get money, die fast
Yeah, we click, but Ima fuckin' pass
D3ADCa$H, baby, we got no class
Snort that line while I'm
Grabbin' on your ass

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