Macksy - Salad California songtext (lyrics)

[Macksy - Salad California songtext lyrics]

On a small german highway
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of schnitzel
Rising up through the air
And up ahead in the distance
I saw a neat restaurant
My head was aching and my stomach growled
I had to stop for some lunch

There she stood in the doorway
Presenting me a dish
And I was thinking to myself
This could be porkchops or this could be fish
She reserved me a table
And asked me what I'd get
I was browsing through the food supplies
And the menu said

Come try our Salad California
Such a lovely Plate (such a lovely Plate)
Such a lovely Date

The menu of the day is our Salad California
Anything you want (anything you want)
We will mix in some

My salad might be infected
It's got that stomach disease
It has a lot of filthy filthy mold
That she calls grease
And how they drink in the backyard
Sweet weizenbier
Some guy singing 'proooost'
Some volk yelling 'cheers'

So I called up the waitress
Please bring me my wine
And she said: This chardonnay is
A special one from, 1969
I'm still digesting the salad
My stomach hurts
Wake me up in the middle of the night
I remember their words

Come try our Salad California
Such a lovely Plate (such a lovely Plate)
Such a lovely Date

I was poisened at this place
By the Salad California
Quite a lesson learned
(quite a lesson learned) my intestines burn

White lights on the ceiling
The red infusion bags
And she said: You are merely
A test subject now, in our secret lab
And in the testing chambers
Their experiments will proceede
They stab me with their steely knives
Will she end up killing me?

Last thing I remember
I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the dining room on the other floor
Relax said the Doctor
And stuck a needle in me
You can order anything you like
But you can never leave

I tried the Salad California
Such a nasty Plate (such a nasty Plate)
Such a scary Date

I got abducted after eating
The Salad California for the next few years
(for the next few years)
I am trapped in here

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