Madison Beer - The Reckless Letter Interlude (Live on the Life Support Tour) lyrics

Madison Elle Beer [New York, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Madison Beer - The Reckless Letter Interlude Live on the Life Support Tour lyrics]
You were always terrified, weren't you?
We often tend to cage the things that
We're afraid of and don't understand
That's why you locked up my heart
Thinking it was yours to lock up when truly
It never was you played me for a fool
Thought of me as too sensitive, too soft
But a heart hardened is a heart wasted
Isn't it?
It took losing you to make me realize that
And I missed you, I really, really missed you
But was I mourning your absence or my own?
Had I lost you or had I
Lost myself amidst it all
Softness is a weapon too you know?
I now know that's why you kept me hidden
You were greedy everyone always has been
I was a flower the world left
To wither in it's darkness
But what a shame to view a heart as something
So easily broken and so difficult to repair
And what a relief it was when I found out the
Cage you built around me was mine to unlock
All along I held the keys, I always have
This is a letter I'll never send to
You because that chapter's over now
So I'd figure I'll write a
Love letter to myself instead
And this time around I promise
I will not be reckless with my heart