Manfred Mann’s Earth Band - Demons and Dragons songtext (lyrics)

[Manfred Mann’s Earth Band - Demons and Dragons songtext lyrics]

Dragons rage outside your door
But I'm on my way to save you
Demons wage unholy war
But I'm on my way to guide you to guide you

But the demons never need to know
What the demons never got to see
As we fall in and out of line
Stay in touch now for a while

But the demons never got to read
What we never got around to write
As we fall in and out of line
Stay in touch now for a while

Dragons rage outside your door
But I'm on my way to save you
(Ich bin hier um dich zu retten)
I'm on my way to save you (Ich rette dich)

Demons wage unholy war
But I'm on my way to guide you
(Ich bin hier um dich zu führen)
To guide you (Dich zu verführen)

But the demons never need to know
What the demons never got to see
As we fall in and out of line
Stay in touch now for a while

But the demons never got to read
What we never got around to write
As we fall in and out of line
Stay in touch now for a while

Denn das, was keiner weiß, geht keinen was an
Doch irgendwann ist es an dir
Und was ich will ist nur
Ein kleiner Teil von dir
Das eine rate und verrat ich dir:
Wenn du dich nicht stellst
Findest du deinen eigenen Dämonen
Tief in dir selbst

But the demons never need to know
What the demons never got to see
As we fall in and out of line
Stay in touch now for a while

But the demons never got to read
What we never got around to write
As we fall in and out of line
Stay in touch now for a while
Denn du weißt dass ich weiß
Dass du weißt dass du weißt mehr als du weißt

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