Mantus - The Heart Of It All songtext (lyrics)

[Mantus - The Heart Of It All songtext lyrics]

The nature is my homeland
The forests are my church
I'm howling with the wolves and
I'm listening to the birds
The sun gives me power
The night gives me peace
I'm strangely connected to the
Meadows and the trees

I'm a black-robed demon and
My thoughts are free
I am part of a world outside of society
So give me your hand and
Give me all your trust
And we are pagan warriors of ashes and dust

The heart of it all the heart of it all
The heart of it all we're fighting
We're part of it all the heart of it all
We're stronger than all we're fighting
The laughter of the raven
The sound of the see
I hear an ancient wisdom in
The rustling of the trees
The blood in our veins and
The yearning in our hearts
The shadows of our bodies in the
Cold light of the stars

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