Marc Vinyls - Release To Elsewhere lyrics
[Marc Vinyls - Release To Elsewhere lyrics]
And the stain on my shirt
A lil' liquor in my system
And my head sure hurt
Yeah, my head sure hurt
He lies in the open field, lifeless
Unknowing that his gift has been
Stripped of him like a baby with it's blanket
Ever so scared
We all are a part of the bigger picture
Aren't we?
On display like a museum, transparent
As the turquoise colored waters of the
Lake I stand before
And as hopeless and terrified as
A lone gazelle among a herd of famished lions
They teach us to be mindless sheep
Among the heartless scoundrels that set
Us up to fail
Only to purposely fall into the hand
They've intentionally dealt for us
But not me another person passed
Another story untold another lie unwrapped
Another person who folds
Another person bashed another one turns cold
Another spell cast another person finds gold
The system ain't working
The system's too corrupt
The people ain't curving
The government is fucked damaging our trust
Our imagery of love
Is now disintegrated dust so what?
Looking at the love in my fam
And the pain in my worth
A lil' wiser in my mind
I will elevate above these shallow grounds
To break away from any lingering curse
I am as beautiful as
The seaweed roller coasters
Dancing on the ocean floors
I am as ugly as the devil shaped bullets
That pierce through our enemies skin
And strip their bodies of the
Life given to them
We all have light and darkness
The lights just harder to find