Martin Kesici, Peter Hoff - God Bless You songtext (lyrics)

[Martin Kesici, Peter Hoff - God Bless You songtext lyrics]

God bless you re-creating everythingyou do
Always tried so hard to be like you
A shinning star bright as the sun
That´s what you are
Yeah, you are the chosen one
You´re the greatest of them all

God bless you you make´em crawl
God bless you
Walk on water, please make me believe
Nothing but perfektion is enough
Beat have always been too tough
A shinning star bright as the sun
That´s what you are
Yeah, you are the chosen one
You´re the greatest of them all
God bless you you make´em crawl
God bless you
Walk on water, please make me believe
I need a sign to keep the faith
Would you give it to me
Would you give it to me now? A shining star
That´s what you are
Yeah, you are the chosen one god bless you
God bless you

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