Maybebop - Cuddling songtext (lyrics)

[Maybebop - Cuddling songtext lyrics]

Since mankind was put on the earth
We’ve believed there is a plan
Descartes, just for example
Said ‘I think therefore I am’
Plato believed humanity always makes
The Good their aim
While for Kierkegaard futility was the same

For Kant the highest purpose
Was existence in it'self
Bankers worship blank cheques when they
Come from someone else
For David Beckham life revolves
Around a little ball
While Karl Marx believed ‘Das
Kapital’ was all

But whichever way you care to spell it out
The simple things are what life’s all about

And so it’s cuddling, sex and holding hands

There’s caressing and there’s sighs
Disputing over little things
Then making up another time
It’s also loneliness and constant yearning
To share each other’s lives
The plan of life is plain and simple:
Let us multiply

For Socrates the unexamined life’s
Not worth a thing
And Life as a great circle is
The point of Lion King
Rousseau, he got it right that
Virtue is the best idea
Through it the meaning of
Our life’s becoming clear
The wonders of this world are in demand
Will the Vatican ever come to understand?

And so it’s cuddling, sex and holding hands
There's caressing and there’s sighs
Disputing over little things
Then making up another time
It's also loneliness and constant yearning
To share each other's lives
The plan of life is plain and simple:
Let us multiply is this something that you’d
Rather just deny?

Man is vain and overestimates his worth
He lives to win, to have a job and to digest
Ignores the heavens and keeps his
Eyes fixed on the earth
But time is short before
He finds eternal rest

And so it’s cuddling, sex and holding hands
There’s caressing and there’s sighs
Find yourselves through one another
Lose yourselves where you can’t hide
We still can make smart conversation
Our revolution will still rise
It changes nothing life knows only
We will multiply
Life teaches us that there’s
Nothing more worthwhile

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