Melovin - That's Your Role текст песни

Меловін [Костянтин Бочаров] Одеса, Україна

[Melovin - That's Your Role текст песни]

We're not just bodies you hide
Under the groun-de
We're not the flowers you cut
So you look lovely
You can't just do what you want
Without the consequence
Never knew
Never knew
Never knew
Never knew
Never knew
Never knew
I'd say hence

If they wanna take
Your voice - must take your soul
If they gonna take
Your soul - well not today
I'm not the kind of guy
Who'll handle this alone
If you wanna play -
It's time and that's your role

Sometimes it's bigger than us
Sometimes it's louder
We all have faith on our hearts
We all have power
Our thoughts are oriented
Towards the happiness
Never knew never knew never knew
Never knew never knew never knew
I'd say hence
If they wanna take
Your voice - must take your soul
If they gonna take
Your soul - well not today
I'm not the kind of guy
Who'll handle this alone
If you wanna play -
It's time and that's your role

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