Mick Harvey - The Javanaise paroles de (lyrics)

[Mick Harvey - The Javanaise paroles de lyrics]

I swore that I'd be always true to my love
Before the day that I met you, my love
Measure for measure
As we danced The Javanaise we were in love
Till the end of that song

What can they teach a man
In school about love?
You treated me just like a fool in love
Measure for measure
As we danced The Javanaise we were in love
Till the end of that song
In Springtime I gave all my heart to love
I wanted so that you'd be part of this love
Measure for measure
As we danced The Javanaise we were in love
Till the end of that song

Life's no longer worth the fight without love
You didn't want the dizzy heights of love
Measure for measure
As we danced The Javanaise we were in love
Till the end of that song

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