MOD SUN - Did I Ever Wake Up? (Pt. 1) lyrics

[MOD SUN - Did I Ever Wake Up? Pt. 1 lyrics]

Did I Ever Wake Up Chapter 1- REBORN
Everything you are could be
Everything you were
As I exhaled a rush came over
Me that I had never imagined
No longer did I taste the recycled air
Jumping in and out of my lungs
This breath belonged to me for the first time
I could feel the links of
Every chain that tied
Me down to reality being broken one by one
This isnt the kind of freedom
My president speaks about this is real
The exhilaration of this foreign
Feeling had made
Me utterly oblivious to the fact
That my eyelashes had become
Hundred pound barbells
Determined to deal my eyelids shut
I struggled to form a sentence as the words "
I'm good" dripped out of my mouth

Barely making it past my teeth
Had I known this was my last statement
I would have attempted to
Put it more eloquently
The world as I knew it slowly faded to
Black as I fell into an infinite slumber
Welcome to the dream
The second you turn that last page is
The beginning of your new life
You're just taking your first breath
These are your first thoughts
Congratulations, you've successfully
Completed the first
Portion of being you
This is where the fun starts
As of right now, you officially have no past
Everything prior to this moment
Will no longer
Be affecting your present in any way
You are now everything you want to pursue
You are every personality trait you
Admired, and most importantly
You are in charge
I strongly encourage you to
Act, thing, speak
And participate like never before
However, there are some key
Ingredients to ensure
The success of this new life
You must know what you want
You must believe without a doubt
You will obtain it
I understand this can sound somewhat
Intimidating and I know some
People have no idea what they want right now
Well I'm here to let you know that
The sooner you figure it out, the better
This includes relationships
Occupation, happiness
Heath, financial well-being
And everything in between
You can always add more to the list as you go
Along, but consider the things you
Enjoy in life most, and focus on those
Start thinking
You can literally get anything
You want if every
Thought is paired with a sense of affirmation
For example, instead of saying "
I want to be happy", say " i am happy"
It's all about the act of
Doing and being in pursuit
It's time to look in the mirror
And see everything you desire
It will take imagination and self-control
But we have all been given
Both those things for free
Let's start the dream
One of my favourite pieces of advice is:
If you want a new car, go test drive it
See what it's like to get behind
The wheel of your dream car
The smell of the leather
Grip of the tires and purr of the engine
Hold these things very close to you
Think about them
The power of new environment
This tool is the compas on
The journey to finding yourself
Do new things and go to new places
As a touring musician
I wake up in a new state
Everyday for months at a time
People who've never seen my face
Or heard my me speak constantly surround me
I'm free to allow my chameleon-like soul to
Take on any desired personality trait
We have no past to those we haven't met
When people don't have a preconceived
Idea of who we are
We can let go of what we don't want to
Be and become whomever we intend on being
Sometimes it may become necessary to leave
Behind people or things that
Are holding us back from the
Destiny we are creating
Meeting new people is like a slingshot
Thrusting you towards this new you
Duce yourself just simply say hello
Not too long ago
I redesigned every aspect of my existence
I decided I was going to be the most
Enjoyable person possible for people
To be around that's where it all started
It was simple all I had to do was be fun
I'd walk into every room and introduce
Myself to everyone in it
I'd deliver every handshake with a smile
No matter what
I was going to leave that room
With a bunch of new friends
After a very short time doing this
I began to see it's effects
People started to tell me how much
More enjoyable life was and
How much better they felt with
Me in the same room
My happiness was not only
Doing wonders for me
But for everyone around me as well
We are all here to be happy
At that exact moment, I was reborn
I realised how simple it was for everything
You are to become everything you were
We are extremely powerful
And control everything about ourselves
You have the ability to shed unwanted layers
Of skin, and become brand new, right now
Chapter 2- Bright Side of a Dark Moment
The power of positivity
Have you ever wondered why right
Now is called the present?
It's because it's the greatest
Gift anyone could receive you're alive
You woke up this morning and
That's a reason to celebrate
I credit all my happiness and successes
To the power of the mind
Saying it's powerful is somewhat
Of an understatement
We were once prehistoric
Un-evolved creatures who knew
Absolutely nothing
Then one day we discovered
Fire and everything changed
Then another day we invented the
Wheel and everything changed again
Before you knew it
We developed and entire civilisation
And here we are that's powerful
But what we're about to discuss goes far
Deeper than those layers of the mind
The brain is a muscle, and like a
Bicep the more you use it
The stronger it gets
It contains so much infinite
Ability and power we
Can't even understand how to
Acces it's entirety
Everything that happens in your life was
Born first within your mind
You may not know it
But, you're creating your own identity
Right this very second
Every thought that enters your
Head also leaves it
The universe is taking orders from your
Mind 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
You're solely responsible for everything
Great in your life
You're also responsible for everything you
Wish didn't happen as well
The universe is always listening
And it's time to take advantage of that
You don't have to be careful
What you wish for
But you should be full of care
Do not be weary or neglect your thoughts
Think all the time, just make sure you want
What you're thinking about
What first turned me on to this way of
Thinking and living is the law of attraction
This law simply states your
Mentality is your reality
No matter who you are, your mind has
A direct connection to the universe
And as individuals we personally choose
How to embrace that
Now, the next thing I share with you
Will prove to be a turning point
In the creation of the rest of your
Life: The universe is completely unbiased
Let's say someone is speeding down the
Highway in a car and suddenly
Sees red and blue lights flashing
In the rear view mirror
They pull off to the side of the road
And get issued a speeding ticket "
I hate speeding tickets!"
The driver reacts "
I never want another speeding ticket
Again" It appears that
The driver just expressed a
Dislike for speeding tickets
But it's actually quite the contrary
The only thing the universe heard is the
Driver say "speeding ticket" two times
The universe is unbiased and
Doesn't pay attention
To words like "want" or "don't want"
All it hears is the focus
Of your words and thoughts
The universe believes we want
Everything we think about
So think about what you want
I receive messages daily from people telling
Me that they were the law
Of attraction for a couple weeks and
It was working really well
But then suddenly the bad
Days took over again
I tell everyone the exact same thing
The challenge is the best part
Every challenge is the universe's
Way of letting
You know you're on the right track
The universe is a teacher, and
As we learned in school
To reach the next level you
Must pass the test
You must prove that when faced with rain
You can still shine bright
Once you pass the test
You move on to the next level
Of your relationship with the universe
Eventually, after successfully enduring
These challenges
The universe begins to hand you
Nothing but good fortune
Have you ever heard the saying
"it's always darkest before dawn"?
This is true
Though there's more to it than that
You will be challenged, but once
Your sun comes up
It doesn't ever have to go back down
Those bad days are actually
Prepelling you towards
A series of never ending good ones
That is, if you deal with them correctly
Prove to the universe you can stand
Up to any unfortunate event
Be thankful when the unexpected happens
Because now you have the chance to
Exercise the ability to shine
Even a situation as devastating as someone's
Death has a light of positivity
Of course we miss them dearly
But they were here
And we were fortunate enough to
Share moments with them our memories made
And memories left will live on forever
Not only is the universe always listening
It's watching too
Simple good deeds like picking up
Trash or helping an
Elderly woman cross the street
Don't go unnoticed
Personally, I accept all organised
Relations as possibilities
But choose not to conform to any
I do however exercise a form of karma daily
I like to call it "the circle"
Every action we make is a single dot that
Will eventually connect it'self and
Form a circle each good decision will be
Reintroduced to another
Good decision somewhere down the line
That also means each bad decision
Will reappear as well
There are so many opportunities to earn
An extra credit in this world
Most of these opportunities will involve the
Way you interact with other people
Each one of us shares this planet with
Nearly 7 billion other human beings
Although I'd live for everyone to think the
Same way I do about positivity
I just can't expect for it to
Be that way all the time
The world is built off of interactions
With others, and quite honestly
If everyone were the same there would be
No need for any of us
It's very important to realise
That if the opposite
Of what you believe in didn't exist
You'd have nothing to believe in
Without bad
We wouldn't know what to call good
Without lies, we wouldn't know what truth is
Always be accepting
We need the opposite, and it needs us
Thinking positive will always lead
To a better outcome
A great example is by simply looking up
Literally walk outside, and look up
The sky is endless and
Filled with possibility now look down
No matter where you are
You will see an ending below
You decide whether or not to look up
Or down at every situation that occurs
Let unexpected incidents roll off
You like rain
Drops dancing down your bedroom window
Now, if a negative thought
Pops into your head
Head that doesn't mean you're
Doing something wrong
Negative thoughts may happen
But it's all about how you deal with them

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