Mono Inc. - Avalon songtext (lyrics)

[Mono Inc. - Avalon songtext lyrics]

Room for my horror, a place for my hate
Brains for discovery, times to be late
Shields for the madness, pills for my pain
And fire for my love

Ears for my poems, eyes for my wounds
Lungs for my body, food for the muse
And rain in the desert and help to be real
And fire for my love

Oh, don't you dare to say
"You'll never get there"

On my way to avalon one more way to avalon
Oh, I beg for relief and
I leave to remind you
Of all those dimensions you lose
I pray there for you i pray there for you

Land for the drowning, sense to my life
Truth for the rumors, left to go right
Wax for the candles, lights in the dark
And fire for my love

Ears for my poems, eyes for my wounds
Lungs for my body, food for the muse
Rain in the desert, help to be real
And fire for my love

Oh, don't you dare to say
"You'll never get there"

On my way to avalon one more way to avalon
Oh, I beg for relief and
I leave to remind you
Of all those dimensions you lose
I pray there for you i pray there for you

So I beg for relief, I leave to remind you
Oh, I beg for relief
I should have denied you
So, I beg for relief, I leave to remind you
Of all those dimensions you lose
I pray there for you i pray there for you

Avalon avalon

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