Montreal - Burn Down songtext (lyrics)

[Montreal - Burn Down songtext lyrics]

Black letters on a yellow sign
I used to be a part of it
But now i guess for me it's time
To leave behind this tragedy
My hometown and my history
My nightmare and my misery

Balls of fire all around (all around)
I would watch it burn down!

Eighteen years are long enough
To everyone I never asked to know:
I'll pack my things and go
And leave behind this tragedy (tragedy)
My hometown and my history
My nightmare and my misery

Even if my car broke down (car broke down)
I would find my way out

Balls of fire all around (all around)
I would watch it burn down!

I crossed the point of no return
Only forward there's no back
A lesson that I'd like to learn and
Leave behind this tragedy (tragedy)
My hometown and my history
My nightmare in my misery
Even if my car broke down (car broke down)
I would find my way out

Balls of fire all around (all around
I would watch it burn down!

To everyone I used to know:
I bet we'll never meet again
So thanks for nothing join the show

Even if my car broke down (broke down)
I would find my way out
Balls of fire all around (all around)
I would watch it burn down!

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