My Epic - Alone lyrics
[My Epic - Alone lyrics]
Of speaking mysteries my veils cannot contain
Should i prepare to winter spend again
Of silent centuries' speech for
Only certain men
What if i wait to find You've gone
What if Your presence was withdrawn
And i was mistaken all alone
To think i could become Your home
It'd be no surprise to finally know
I am truly alone
Come then but likely sooner i'll be alone
You moved your temple
Inside our bones and it's
So hard to trust that You won't move again
For all eternity
You stood with Your Father in perfect unity
And when You walked the earth
You only went where He led
You only spoke what He said
So for everything You left
And all of the glory You forfeit
No matter how low You were sent
You still couldn't know what it's
Like to be alone
Disgraced but you were never alone
Betrayed but you were never alone
Tortured but still never alone
And nothing is worse than being alone
I have been thinking hard
About us trading place
Maybe i can wear Your beauty if
You put on my shame
Jesus i've been trying so hard
To look like You
That i almost missed the worst of
What i put You through
You didn't die for sins
You died covered in them
A prideful lying thief gasping
Out my final breath for that one moment
You looked just like me your Father left you
And You died completely alone
For me You were alone
You couldn't marry so He left You all alone
No better promise than sympathy
(You conquered death all alone)
Cause You know the deepest of all our needs
Never again, never alone