N8 the Gr8, Naabi , Casper - Almost 2 Late songtext (lyrics)

Benjamin Griffey

[N8 the Gr8, Naabi , Casper - Almost 2 Late songtext lyrics]

Swearing to God the omnipotent
Sick of this life I've been livin' in
Honestly thought about endin' it
I have lost all of my innocence
Life is worth livin' though, isn't it?
Then why do I wake up just feelin' like shit?
Like every punch life throw' a critical hit
And I'm starting to question
What life even is
Like what is life? What is love
What is right? What is fucked
When it's my funeral, who showing up
I'm right on the verge of just giving up

I always believed life should be amazin'
Never stopped to think
Life is what you make it
It was almost too late almost too late

(Shit, fuck) Mom didn't know
She couldn't save me if she wanted to
I pray that one day you don't
Feel just like I wanted to
To over do every fuckin' drug
You're not supposed to do
But overuse every fuckin' drug 'cuz
No one's close to you almost died
Shoulda, coulda, woulda when you left my side
Deep depression
Searchin' for more answers, got me askin why
I feel like I pulled the
Weight of cargo trains, i struggled I
Almost just ended it all when
I reached for the bottle
Said fuck it, and swallowed my pride

I just said fuck it, and swallowed my pride

I always believed life should be amazin'
Never stopped to think
Life is what you make it
It was almost too late almost too late
It was almost too late

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