Nana Mouskouri - Adios My Love songtext (lyrics)

[Nana Mouskouri - Adios My Love songtext lyrics]

Adios my love i'll always be true
I'll miss you so but this you know
I'll wait forever and ever
Saving my love for you

The rolling tide that brings you to me
Must take you back to roam on the sea
But as I wait alone on the shore
You know my love is yours forever more
Since time began, a man had to roam
A girl must wait to welcome him home
But every day while you are away
I'll love you more than words can ever say
Adios my love i'll always be true
I'll miss you so but this you know
I'll wait forever and ever
Saving my love for you
I'll wait forever, and ever
Saving my love for you

The rolling tide that brings you to me
Must take you back to roam on the sea
But as I wait alone on the shore
You know my love is yours forever more

Adios my love i'll always be true
Adios my love adios my love

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