Negative Øhio - I’m Hungry and Covered in Blood (Just Another Tuesday Night) lyrics
[Negative Øhio - I’m Hungry and Covered in Blood Just Another Tuesday Night lyrics]
My father has the craziest phobia
About me eating their clients!
Oh, I knew it! It'll be a homicide!
Betty, call up the deluxe catering service!
Tell 'em I want dinner for
Three in my apartment tonight
Have a man come over with the menu
(Right away, Mr honeywell)
Oh, I have an idea!
All thick and creamy and seasoned just right!
(Love it) roasted a golden brown and
Set with oyster dressing
(Mmm, sounds wonderful)
Then that's what I'm gonna fix for
You tonight at Mr honeywell's apartment
See you then!
He's liable to lose his life unless he
Gets his junk out of here (Feed me)
And have we got a wonderful
Dinner waiting for you! (Feed me)
I'm drooling, gimme that ladle
(I haven't finished yet)
I said give it to me! Mmm, I can hardly wait!
Oh my god! Mmm!
By the way, we have decided to make it a
Little surprise for her father
So don't say anything when you
Eat all of that
Freddie, we'll make this the perfect dinner!
I know what we'll do!
You have to admit
I cooked up a wonderful new meal for you!
I'll say you did
You almost sent us up in smoke!
Feed me!
I knew it, here comes trouble
She came out and shot me right in the eye!
I know just what you mean
I shot one of their salesmen
Myself the other night!
A policeman!
Oh no! I'll get them out of here if they
Have to jump out of windows!
You would unpopulate the whole skid row!
Well, you can forget about it!
Ouch, my head! Ow! Am I hurt much?
Um, you're perfectly alright, your
Eye's getting black, though
Feed me!
Oh, I knew it! It'll be a homicide!
It can't be true now I know what your poor
Father is going through
Oh, I was only trying to help, everybody!
(To what, a hospital?)
You're nothing but a big stuffed shirt with
A BB calendar for a heart!
That's alright, Dad
I'm so mad I could fight
Every man in this room!
The patient came to me with a
Large hole in his abdomen
Caused by a fire poker used on him
Feed me!
Every time something goes wrong with
One of their deals, they always blame me!
Drugs, drugs, drugs
I sold pot without a license to a
A policeman!