Nena - Conversation songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - Conversation songtext lyrics]

Different people in a different world
Take your time before you talk to me
Because we're different people
In a different world
Where is the conversation
Different people in a different world
Come on and give a little love to me
Because we're different people
In a different world
We need the conversation

Same food, same age, same food
One day we'll meet us on the same stage
Same food, same age, same food
One day we'll meet us on the same stage

Different people in a different world
Take your time before you talk to me
Because we're different people
In a different world
Where is the conversation
Different people in a different world
Come on and give a little love to me
Because we're different people
In a different world
We need the conversation

You got you, I got me
Loneliness is a such a drag
All you do - I look at you
And there is the conversation

Same food, same age, same food
One day we'll meet us on the same stage

Different people in a different world
Take your time before you talk to me
Because we're different people
In a different world
Where is the conversation
Different people in a different world
Come on and give a little love to me
Because we're different people
In a different world
Where is the conversation

You got you, I got me
Loneliness is a such a drag
All you do - I look at you
And there is the conversation

Different people in a different world
Take your time before you talk to me
Because we're different people
In a different world
Where is the conversation
Different people in a different world
Come on and give a little love to me
Because we're different people
In a different world
Where is the conversation

Because we're different people
In a different world
We need the conversation
(Different people, different people)
Because we're different people
In a different world
We need the conversation
(Different people, different people)
Because we're different people
In a different world
We need the conversation
(Different people, different people)
Because we're different people
In a different world
We need the conversation

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