Nena - Young as You songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - Young as You songtext lyrics]

You're a young bravado
A bandit playing pirate games
Wear a coat of rebel anger
Call it by another name
Hey you - so many years to go
Too young to be so serious
Hang on to your spirit
And become adventurous

At times you might be on your own
Climbing new frontiers
And if you're frightened of the dark
You're not alone try to persevere
When you're as

Young as you you are strong and innocent
Young as you you long to be different
Young as you

You're a weekend warrior
Sweatin' too hard to make it last
You fight to be like all the heroes
But you're comin' down way too fast
Hey you - lay down your sticks and stones
Cause you're only hurting yourself
Forget about your ego
Look inside someone else

At times you might be on your own
Climbing new frontiers
And if you're frightened of the dark
You're not alone try to persevere
When you're as

Young as you you are strong and innocent
Young as you you long to be different
Young as you

When you're as young as you

Young as you young as you (young as you)
Young as you (young as you)
Young as you (young as you)
When you're as young as you
Young but never wise enough (young as you)
Young as you
You're not too young to rise above
(young as you) young as you (young as you)
Young as you (young as you)

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