Nothing More - Pyre lyrics
[Nothing More - Pyre lyrics]
The world for the first time as a child
How brilliant the colors
Were what a jewel the sun was what marvel the
Stars how incredibly alive the trees were and
To love again and again
And have people to whom we are deeply
Attached go to sleep and never
Wake up and the laughter echoes only in one's
Mind but then the echo goes the memory
The traces are all gone
All your efforts, all your acheivements, all
Your attainments turning into dust
Nothingness what is the feeling?
What happens to you?
The idea of God as the potter
The architect of the universe
It makes you feel that life
Is, after all, important
That there is someone who cares
It has meaning, it has sense
And you are valuable in the eyes of
The father but after a while it
Got embarrassing, the superstition, the myth
The absolutely unfounded idea why
Does anybody believe that?
So you become an atheist
And then you feel terrible
After that because you
Got rid of God but that means
You got rid of yourself
You're just nothing but a machine
And your idea that
You're a machine is just a machine too
(a machine in the system)
So if you think that that's
The way things are
You feel hostile to the world you
Feel that the world is
A neurological trap into which you
Somehow got caught trapped you
Run from the maternity ward to the
Crematorium and that's it that's
It so if you're a smart
Kid you commit suicide
Now I want to propose another idea
All together the real you, is not a
Puppet which life pushes around the real
You, the real deep down you
Is the whole universe you cannot
Confine yourself to what happens
Inside the skin your skin doesn't
Separate you from the world
It's a bridge but just as a magnet polarizes
It's-self in north and south but
It's all one magnet
So experience polarizes it'self as
"Self" and "Other", but it's all one
What you call the "External world" is as much
YOU as your own body most people
Think that when they open they're eyes and
Look around that what they are
Seeing is outside it seems, doesn't it
That you are behind your eyes we haven't
Realized that life and death
Black and white
Good and evil, being and non-being
Come from the same center
When you look for your
Own particularized center of
Being which is separate from everything else
You won't be able to find it the
Only way you'll know it isn't
There is if you look hard enough
To find out that it isn't there it
Isn't there at all, there isn't a separate
You there are, in physical reality
No such things as separate events
People can't be talked out of illusions
If a person believes that
The earth is flat, you can't
Talk him out of that
He knows that it's flat
He'll go down to the window
And see that it's obvious, it looks flat
So the only way to convince him
That it isn't is to say
"Well let's go and find the edge"