Noveliss - Too Much of a Thinker paroles de (lyrics)

[Noveliss - Too Much of a Thinker paroles de lyrics]

I should have left a note before I left home
Return of the intellectual
Vessel to level the metronome
Using lows as stepping stones
For setting goals solitude is my zone
And Being left alone is not alone
But the ones who hold me close
Don't know this month felt too worthless
Thought I Needed the time away
But get homesick on Excursion

My mind at war with it'self
Who else bottles up their thoughts
Cause' they don't know who to tell? Oh well
It's hell protect your energy
Not enough of a drinker
But way too much of a thinker

I don't share the progress until it surface
No more worries you Put it in the Universe
The Digital surgent
Through streaming services
The gift and the curse of living off of
Racking your Brain for the illest verses
They done with your album
And the rest of the world ain't even heard it
Checking into hotels where the beds
Don't serve they purpose
My mind's a cheat code
But the blood from my nose got my
Notebook jaded to the staining
Of all the pages you top 10
I'm Eleven
But flip your dimension Upside Down
Who caught the reference?

My mind at war with it'self
Who else bottles up their thoughts
Cause' they don't know who to tell? Oh well
It's hell protect your energy
Not enough of a drinker
But way too much of a thinker

The sleep deprived
Ride with the deepest mind
But falling asleep at the wheel abusing time
You crash then
Living proof that they failed at addressing
Mental health in black men since black kids
Who's Dad's split curing the minds
Of the blind poisoned by time
And living life defined as the right
But doesn't apply the curator
Of legendary lines when the water boils
Soak the pens in the Lazarus pit
The Words Immortal

My mind at war with it'self
Who else bottles up their thoughts
Cause' they don't know who to tell? Oh well
It's hell protect your energy
Not enough of a drinker
But way too much of a thinker

Manipulate the soil
Put the state of the planet
Back in Mother's Nature's hands
No man killing for oil
No weather on behalf of machine
My thoughts digress
Don't sweat the Terminator
The killer is really Skynet tetsuo
My youth defined by how my mind stretched
But the same abilities may have
Poisoned my whole mindset
I push my body until I'm over the hill
Just a vessel where the spirit dwells
A Ghost in the Shell

My mind at war with it'self
Who else bottles up their thoughts
Cause' they don't know who to tell? Oh well
It's hell protect your energy
Not enough of a drinker
But way too much of a thinker

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