Peggy Seeger - Jellon Graeme lyrics
[Peggy Seeger - Jellon Graeme lyrics]
He whistled and he sang
He called for his servant boy
Who quickly to him ran
Hurry up, hurry up, my pretty little boy
As fast as ever you can
You must run for Rosy Flower
Before the day is gone
The boy buckled on his yellow belt
And through the woods he sang
Ran till he came to the lady's
Window before the day was gone
Are you awake little Rosy Flower
The blood runs cold as rain
I was asleep, but now I'm awake
Who's that that calls my name?
You must go to the Silver Wood
Though you never come back again
You must go to the Silver Wood
To speak with Jellon Graeme
I will go to the Silver Wood
Though I never come back again
The man I most desire to see is my love
Jellon Graeme
She had not rid about two long mile
It were not more than three
Till she came to a new dug
Grave beneath the white oak tree
Out and sprang young Jellon Graeme from
Out of the woods nearby
Get down, get down, you Rosy Flower
It's here that you will die
She jumped down from off her horse
Then down upon her knee
Pity on me, dear Jellon Graeme
I'm not prepared to die
Wait until our babe is born and
Then you can let me lie
If I should spare your life, he said
Until our babe is born
I know your pa and all your kin
Would hang me in the morn
Pity on me, dear Jellon Graeme
My pa you need not dread
I'll bear my baby in the Silver Wood
And go and beg my bread
No pity, no pity for Rosy Flower
On her knees she pray
He stabbed her deep with the silver steel
And at his feet she lay
No pity, no pity for Rosy Flower
She was a lying dead
But pity he had for his little
Young son a smothering in her blood
He's torn the baby out of the womb
Washed him in water and blood
Named him after a robber man
He called him Robin Hood
Then he took him to his house and
Set him on a nurse's knee
He growed as much in a one year
Time as other ones do in three
Then he took him to read and write
And for to learn how to thrive
He learned as much in the one year
Time as other ones do in five
But, I wonder now, said little Robin
If a woman did me bear
Many a mother do come for the rest
But never one come for me
It fell out in the summertime when
They was a hunting game
They stopped to rest in the Silver Wood
Him and Jellon Graeme
I wonder now, said little Robin
Why my mammy don't come for me?
To keep me hid in the Silver Wood
I calls it a cruelty
But, I wonder now, says little Robin
If the truth would ever be known
Why all this woods is a growing
Green and under that tree there's none?
You wonder now, said Jellon Graeme
Why your mammy don't come for thee
Lo, there's the place I laid her low
Right under that white oak tree
The little boy chose him an arrow
Was both keen and sharp
Laid his cheek all along the bow
And pierced his father's heart
Lie there, lie there, you Jellon Graeme
The grave you will never see
The place where lies my mammy dear
Is far too good for thee
I should have torn you out of the
Womb and thrown you upon a thorn
Let the wind blow east and the wind
Blow west and left you to die alone
Child #90 recorded by Peggy Seeger and Ewan
MacColl on Blood and Roses