Pile - Pervert lyrics
[Pile - Pervert lyrics]
A few thing at once that won’t add up
He’s a mailman at an ever rotating circus
With nothing to bring he could blame math
He could blame whatever he can get
That won’t talk back
I cursed the crab
Now I know I’m one of it's friends
Must’ve been the crab that bit off my tongue
Then the dream ends
But, I swallowed it down, I can feel it move
Maybe move it back up and staple it on
Oh look at her oh, what is she trying to do
Trying to get me don’t get to me
Man gets shot into the rudder
At a decent speed
And mangles his arm and took the mush
And put it in a sling
Around his neck where all of
The parts were there
He couldn’t write or work or even jerk off
He still didn’t know if he wanted
To get back in the boat